Sunday, March 4, 2012

The cast of "Little Red Riding Hood"

I am so happy to share the news that my new book of "Little Red Riding Hood" is finally finished and being sent to the printers tomorrow!!! This a picture of the "cast"--the book is done like a puppet show or stage play with curtains, scenery and stage. I sort of thought I would never finish it, and I wouldn't have if it weren't for the truly amazing Chris Chomick who kept me going.

Next up, I will be working on the linited edition dolls and paper stage that will go with it! 


  1. Stunning, and I cannot wait to purchase the book for my two little ones to accompany their Alice book!

  2. THANK YOU!!! So much Robin! It should be ready in May, but I will definitely keep you posted!! N

  3. Nancy, You and Your Work are Amazing! Thank you for the sneak peek last week and for your friendship and inspiration...;~) congratulations! Much love, Tamara

  4. Wonderful! My friend gave me your link...this is a must-have for my "Red" collection! Cannot wait!

  5. Thank you so much Kate!! And thank you to your friend!!--Nancy
