Saturday, October 8, 2011

Toy Theater

This is a theater piece I made years and years ago.  I am working on some small theaters these days made of cigar boxes.  Will post those soon.


  1. Very nice! I have been doing toy theaters for about ten years and am now trying to design them for actual performances. Every couple of years, there is an International Toy Theater Festival in Brooklyn and it is just so much fun! I wish more of the crafters would seriously pay attention to design. I used to just paint, but now totally love mixed media. Good luck.

  2. Thank you Tess! I would love to see your theaters. Where can I see them? I love theaters and am working on several in different sizes. Thanks for the post!

    1. Am revisiting some great toy theaters on the internet like yours. I am doing mine at Maker Faire in NYC and am working on a Steampunk Captain Nemo Toy Theater which has been a big challenge. I think I might have forgotten to check back to your site and I apologize. I want to post a link to this page on the Toy Theater page on Facebook. Those of us who come from an art background have a very different perspective about toy theater. My website is: which is the landing for my mixed media work. Life has been very chaotic since the last crash, but I am still working on my things! I love your use of the figures to hold back the curtain. I think Captain Nemo would have an octopus doing that, if I can figure out how to make him!

    2. I can hardly wait to see your complete Nemo toy theatre, Tess! Hope you take lots of photos of it and your experience at the Maker Faire...

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